
The 主动学习认证 is designed to support part-time and full-time faculty in transforming students from passive listeners to active learners while improving 学习和加深理解. 作为课程的结果,教师将 learn how to engage students more deeply in the learning process through meaningful 课上同时促进学生反思理解. 至少36小时PD 都是获得认证所必需的.

To successfully achieve the certification, the faculty member must complete (3) required 课程:主动学习基础(10学时.),影响主动学习 元认知(10小时.),以及主动学习顶点(10小时).). At least (6) 额外的主动学习选修PD小时必须采取. 请注意,没有申请 在完成认证要求后还需要什么. 你会收到通知 via email confirmation that the requirements were met shortly after you finish the Capstone course. 请参阅下面的认证计划文件澳门美高梅网上赌场官网信息 关于必修课程顺序的信息. 请参阅以下必修课程顺序.

The planning document provides a list of required and elective courses which can be 用于规划您的认证. 它是一个打印机友好的可填写PDF. 主动学习认证计划文件

我们要祝贺我们的  主动学习证书获得者!


  1. LCTS3290主动学习的基础
    10 PD Hours

    这是主动学习证书系列的第一门课程. Throughout the course, participants will be introduced to the theories and principles of Active Learning, as well as gain an introduction to the Capstone portfolio assessment at the end of 证书流程. 将特别强调整合和共享 将主动学习策略引入课堂.

    本课程是主动学习认证的必修课. 这是一个先决条件 LCTS3291通过元认知影响主动学习.

  2. LCTS3291通过元认知影响主动学习
    10 PD Hours

    Metacognition, the awareness of one’s own thought processes, can play a powerful role 我们学什么,怎么学. 本课程将讨论元认知意识以及如何 它可以影响学习. 参与者将研究元认知策略如何能够 be integrated into active learning activities to support student learning. Participants will also apply metacognitive principles to their own teaching practices.

    注意:本课程是主动学习认证的必修课. 这是一个先决条件 为LCTS3292主动学习顶点.

  3. 主动学习选修课 (至少6个选修PD小时. 参见下面的选修课列表.)
  4. LCTS3292主动学习顶点
    10 PD Hours

    This capstone course includes showcasing a portfolio of work demonstrating the active 学习计划的成果已经达到. 投资组合的工件将包括课程 plans incorporating active learning and metacognitive strategies, a variety of student 反馈例子,以及自我反思.



INDV1153: 让学习无障碍
10 PD hours

This online course is designed for faculty and staff who wish to develop an enhanced 对包括残障人士在内的学习者多样性的认识. 本课程将 assist faculty in identifying and utilizing strategies in order to create an optimal 学习环境教所有学习者.

INDV2151: 包容与多元化
2.5 PD hours

In this seminar, participants will investigate learning opportunities that acknowledge, draw upon and are enriched by student diversity and create atmospheres of inclusion 和理解. 参与者将反思课堂上的权力差异, ways to increase inclusion and minimize exclusion and some theoretical underpinnings 包容与多元化.

INDV2255: 多重视角
2 PD hours

In this workshop, participants will investigate teaching strategies to improve students' 能够与不同的观点进行对话. 参与者将 reflect on ways to reveal the importance of recognizing and engaging multiple perspectives 以及激励学生从有信誉的资源中学习的方法.

INDV7311: 创建安全空间对话
10 PD hours

本课程将 demonstrate techniques for establishing a respectful and inclusive 促进健康课堂对话的环境. 对话可以帮助学生 in moving information from a memorized or theoretical understanding, to a more integrated, 有形而持久的知识. 参与者将参与设计的最佳实践 促进讨论作为一种教学工具. 在注册本课程时,你是 committing to two meetings across two terms (one 4-hour and one 3-hour), complete the required reading and integrate a conversation activity into your class.

LCTS2214: 问题式学习
2 PD Hours

This course explores the learning of subject matter and skill acquisition through 合作解决问题. 重点是在社区中使用这种方法 college courses.

LCTS2217: 基于项目的学习
2 PD Hours

In project-based learning, students answer a complex, open-ended question or solve an authentic problem through a collaborative process of investigation. 与传统的 instruction where students are presented with knowledge and given an opportunity to apply that knowledge, project-based learning starts with the end in mind--a product 这需要学习基本的内容和技能. 在这个研讨会上,老师们 will be introduced to the seven characteristics of project-based learning, as well as techniques for managing a project-based learning experience in one's classroom. Workshop participants will draft a driving-question and will begin developing ideas 以项目为基础的学习经验.

LCTS2222: 案例教学
2 PD Hours

Case studies can provide a rich base for developing problem-solving and decision making skills. These critical thinking skills are necessary to meet higher level learning outcomes. This class will explore the most appropriate methods of integrating case-based 将教学策略融入到课程中.

LCTS2223: 问正确的问题
2 PD Hours

Well-designed questions function as critical thinking prompts for students. This workshop will explore how to construct questions for class discussion and written work that 鼓励批判性思维. 参与者将被介绍到一个理论框架 for "preparing, posing and pondering" questions and then use that framework to examine 为他们的课堂制作问题样本. * This is an elective in the 主动学习认证 and the Peace and Justice 从业人员认证.

LCTS2224: 让学生积极参与学习过程
2 PD Hours

Research shows that students lose focus after fifteen to twenty minutes of listening to a lecture. 这个工作坊将为参与者提供标点的策略 lectures with active learning techniques to better engage students and improve learning 同时采用逆向设计的评价方法.

LCTS2226: Write to Learn
2 PD Hours

Write to learn activities allow students to think through a course concept to demonstrate understanding. As a learning-centered strategy, it assesses whether learning has occurred 促进自信. 在这个工作坊中,参与者将研究几个“写到学习”的方法 activities designed to deepen discipline learning and create an activity for their course.

LCTS3293: 技术增强主动学习(TEAL
2 PD Hours

Through an immersive technology-enhanced experience, faculty will explore strategies 以及利用技术实现主动学习的工具. 看看主动学习 through the lens of Adult Learning Theory, Social Cognitive Theory, and Constructivism, faculty will explore and evaluate specific educational technologies that align to 将这些学习理论运用到实践中.

LCTS3294: 技术增强主动学习(TEAL) 2
8 PD Hours

Continuing the Technology-Enhanced Active Learning Experience from TEAL 1, participants will build on the concepts that they have begun mapping, constructing a lesson plan "recipe" with a technology that will correlate to an active learning activity for their course. In this hands-on mixed mode course, participants will have the opportunity to test their tech ideas in the "Test Kitchen" format before posting their lesson 计划和主动学习技术工具.