Before the Interview

How to Ace Your Face-to-Face

Preparing for an upcoming in-person 面试? Learn the do’s and don’t’s of 面试ing.

How to Ace a Behaviorial Interview

行为面试是为了测量你的情商而设计的 on how you  have acted or reacted in the past.

What is the purpose of an 面试?

面试是一个展示你专业技能的机会 以及公司或机构潜在职位所需的知识. It is a two-way 交流,对话,双方都有自己的目标.

The 面试er wants to determine:

  • Can the candidate do the job?
  • Will the candidate fit in?
  • Is this the best candidate for the 位置?

The 面试ee wants to determine:

  • Do I want this job?
  • Can I do this job?
  • 这份工作能提供我想要的晋升机会或经验吗?


  • Research the employer online. (Be sure to also review any "news" results)
  • 调查他们的产品、服务、股票表现、公司历史和未来 方向.
  • 与可能了解公司的教授交谈.
  • Conduct an informational 面试.

How to Determine Appropriate 工资 Range

在面试前,调查一下这个职位的薪资范围,工作经验的年数, and geographic location. The following can assist you in your search:

在评估你的潜在薪水时,也要考虑健康保险、 健康、带薪休假、奖金、职业发展培训/美高梅、 学费报销、托儿费和搬迁费.

Step-by-step 面试 lessons

使用 Big Interview 学习和练习你的面试技巧,无论你是在面试工作 or an internship.  使用您的澳门美高梅网上赌场官网电子邮件创建您的免费大采访帐户 address.  登录后,单击绿色的“开始”选项卡以获取更多信息.

Common Interview Questions and Answers

面试官想澳门美高梅网上赌场官网关于你的信息,而不仅仅是你的申请表或简历上的内容 重新开始. 他们选择你来面试是因为他们相信你是一个坚强的人 可以帮助他们的团队和公司成功的候选人.

准备好全面、简洁、诚实地回答他们的问题. They also want a team member who is authentic. Be YOURSELF!

如果你没有相关的知识或经验,不要编造答案. 相反, 用一个你自己的经历来证明你有能力回答这个问题 问题. 例如,面试官问:“告诉我你的领导经验 a team an supervising others.” If you do not have any professional work experience 你在哪里负责领导一个团队或监督其他人,你觉得可以吗 举例说明你在俱乐部或组织中担任领导职务的经历 或者是一个你领导并完成的班级项目.

Interview Questions



Tell me about yourself. 这是你总结相关的主要技能和经验的机会 to the job. 这不是你的生活故事,家庭信息,或重复你的简历.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? 举例说明你什么时候发挥了自己的长处是很有帮助的 relate to the 位置. 当你确定一个缺点时,你应该包括你是如何做到的 improved or learned from it. Try not to use a weakness that directly relates to the 位置.
Why should we hire you? 分享你能为这个职位带来的独特品质或经历. Share how your experiences and qualities make you the best fit.
What interests you about our company? Research the company before the 面试. Be specific about why you want to work for them based on your research.
What 问题s do you have for me? 根据你对公司和职位的研究准备好问题. 你的问题应该显示出你对公司有明确的兴趣,你 have done your research and have follow-up 问题s. Do not discuss salary or benefits unless offered the job!



其他一些类型的面试问题可能是基于你过去的行为. 雇主 要意识到过去的行为往往预示着未来的成功.




使用 S.T.A.R. Technique to answer:

S/T – Situation/Task: describe a specific situation

A – Action: describe the specific action that you took

R – Result: explain the result of your action



举一个你在工作或学习中遇到的紧张情况,你是如何解决的. Looking back, what could you have done differently? What did you learn?

描述一次当你完成了一项你觉得不有趣的任务 or perhaps even resented doing. How did you proceed? What was the outcome?
Tell me about a time when you missed a deadline.


The Importance of Company Culture

雇主们会分享在你工作期间询问公司文化的技巧 面试.

The Importance of Nonverbal Communication

You've probably heard of nonverbal communication; things like eye contact and body 的姿势. 但你知道它会影响你着陆的几率吗 a job or moving up in a company?

The Reverse Interview

向面试官提出自己的问题对被录用至关重要. Get tips on what type of 问题s you should ask.

Practice Interview

你可以和就业中心的工作人员预约一次练习面试. On some campuses, group 面试 sessions are offered. 联系 your Campus Career Center for more information.  You can also use Big Interview to learn and practice your 面试 skills.  Create your FREE Big Interview account using your Valencia e-mail address.

西装 & 领带

  • Dark colored, conservative pant or skirt suit
  • Stick with colors like blue, black or gray
  • 领带应该是坚固的,或者有一个微妙的,不分散注意力的图案
  • Pants or skirt should be appropriate length
    • Skirt should hit at or slightly below the knee
    • No more than three inches above the knee when sitting
  • 没有紧身裤


  • 浅色衬衫配汗衫或浅色衬衫
  • 没有分散注意力的图案,褶边,蕾丝,亮片或闪亮的织物
  • 衬衫和衬衫应该保守,并提供足够的遮盖
Dress for Success Infographic

Dress for Success Infographic
Click image to enlarge.


  • Polished dress shoes with matching dark socks
  • Closed-toe shoes with a conservative heel (1-2 inches)
  • Shoes and belt should be the same color
  • 不要穿厚底鞋、细高跟鞋、人字拖、运动鞋或坡跟鞋

Finishing Touches

  • Well-groomed hairstyle
  • Subtle make-up and jewelry
  • Avoid perfumes or colognes
  • Tattoos should be covered and piercings removed

During the Interview

Tips to Make a Good First Impression

计划早点到,但不要比你的预约时间早10分钟. “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you are late, forget about the job!”

  • Shut off your mobile device.
  • 如果面试官向他/她伸出手,那么握手要有力.
  • Maintain good eye contact.
  • Sit up straight.
  • 订婚.
  • Listen carefully to the 面试er’s 问题s.
  • Avoid interrupting the 面试er.
  • Be honest and give complete answers.
  • Answer the 问题 directly.
  • Do not use jargon or slang in your answers or 问题s such as: like; get what I’m saying; um; uh; etc.
  • Keep all of your answers POSITIVE.
  • Prepare to ask the 面试er 问题s when prompted.
  • 有一份最新的简历,并带几份打印在简历纸上的.
  • 注意自己和面试官的肢体语言.
  • 不要不小心用你的肢体语言传递负面信息,好吗.e. rolling your eyes, crossing your arms, frowning, etc.
  • 注意那些无意识的动作,比如拨弄头发,咂咂舌头, tapping your fingers or pen, etc. could be distracting to the 面试ers