Safety and Security

The UCF Police Department will provide law enforcement services to the campus. While a Valencia College Safety 而保安办公室不会设在校园内,它会协助 UCF Police Department 在他们的要求下提供任何事宜、关注或支持. UCF will have a police 全年365天,每天24小时提供现场变电站服务.

Downtown Campus Identification card

Downtown Campus ID

所有参加市中心校区的学生,教师和工作人员都需要一个市中心 Campus Identification card. 您可以在UCF卡服务中心办理身份证 将临时设在UCF传播与媒体大楼.

Valencia College Safety App

Valencia College Safety App


美高梅安全应用程序允许学生和工作人员同时打电话和 把他们的位置发给保安以防校园发生紧急情况. It also offers 其他安全功能,如紧急联系人列表,举报提示的地方, campus maps and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be on-campus security?
Yes, there will be on-campus security. The UCF Police Department will provide law enforcement services to the campus downtown. A Valencia College Safety and Security office 不会在校园,但会协助UCF警察局处理任何事宜,关注 or support upon their request. UCF将在驻地设有一个派出所,并提供 services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院的学生还可以下载一个免费的手机应用程序, Valencia College Safe.

What is the role of Valencia’s campus security?
澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院的保安人员不会出现在市中心校区. Security 有关事宜将由UCF警察局24/7/365处理. This includes the Center for Accelerated Training (CAT) building. Valencia College Security may respond as 需要和工作特别事件澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院,如果需要.

如果我是市区校区的一名主治学生、教师或工作人员, will I need a new downtown ID? Where/when do I access my new ID?
Yes. 所有学生、教职员工都需要市区身份证. You 可在临时设立的UCF卡服务中心办理身份证 at the UCF Communication and Media building. 

How do I get alerts?  
所有市中心校区的学生、教职员工都将收到紧急通知 through UCF Alert. 澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院的学生、教职员工将被“选中”。 to the system and automatically receive alerts.

Where is or how do I find Security on campus?
UCF will have Police Officers on campus 24/7/365. Individuals needing assistance immediately should call 911. 需要非紧急援助的请拨打407-823-5555. 警署位于398 W Amelia St, Orlando FL 32801. Valencia students, 教职员工也可以使用澳门美高梅网上赌场官网安全电话应用程序或致电澳门美高梅网上赌场官网安全 at 407-582-1000.

Will the safety app work at Downtown Campus?
UCF will have police officers on campus 24/7/365. Individuals needing assistance immediately should call 911. 需要非紧急援助的请拨打407-823-5555. 警署位于398 W Amelia St, Orlando FL 32801. Valencia students, 教职员工也可以使用澳门美高梅网上赌场官网安全电话应用程序或致电澳门美高梅网上赌场官网安全 at 407-582-1000.

Yes. 新的电话号码将列在市区校园的背面 identification cards. UCF Card Services 407-823-2100.

如果你在外面的限制区域,应通知教师、职员或主管 of normal hours of operation.

Where is the Police Station?
市中心校区UCF警察局位于奥兰多西阿米莉亚街398号 Florida 32801. Office Phone 407-823-5555.

If I have an emergency, who do I call?
Call 911.

Yes. 蓝灯将在校园的指定区域亮起. Call 407-823-5555 for a safe-walk escort.

If I want to report something stolen, who do I call?
UCF警局将处理有关犯罪、破坏或伤害的报告. They will also document all significant events. Call 911 or 407-823-5555.

Will we need a key to access the main entries?
学生,教师和工作人员不需要钥匙进入主入口 Downtown Campus. 学生将可以进入开放区域,并具有身份证访问能力 for those authorized.


对您的访问权限有疑问的教职员工,请提问 your immediate supervisor.

What if my badge does not work?
UCF卡服务将管理所有身份证的操作和签发 Downtown Campus. 访问问题应通过UCF卡服务解决. Faculty 员工们,请请联系你们的直接主管.

How do I resolve a parking ticket or citation?
关于停车的问题,停车证,或UCF/澳门美高梅网上赌场官网的交通 College Downtown Campus can be answered by visiting

关于奥兰多警察局或市政府发出的停车罚单的问题 有关奥兰多停车执法的问题,请访问

Is there security 24/7?
UCF will have police officers on campus 24/7/365. Individuals needing assistance immediately should call 911. 需要非紧急援助的请拨打407-823-5555. 警署位于398 W Amelia St, Orlando FL 32801.

澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院的学生,教师和工作人员也可以使用澳门美高梅网上赌场官网安全电话 App or call Valencia Security at 407-582-1000.

UCF警察局将向所有学生,教师和工作人员发出紧急警报 Downtown Campus. 市中心校区的学生、教师和工作人员自动获得 "opted-in" during enrollment or employment. All pertinent information related to to 紧急情况将由UCF警察局转发或发起. Further details 将由合适的员工通过社交媒体和网站进行沟通 UCF website.

Is the campus safe?
UCF警察部门每天24小时巡逻,每周7天确保 a safe campus environment. Incidents, however, can occur anywhere. Stay alert and report all incidents immediately. If you "See Something, Say Something." Call 911 or 407-823-5555.

No. UCF警察局将在紧急情况下作出反应并负责 the Downtown Campus. 校园将遵循UCF警局的紧急程序.

对于澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院的学生、教职员工,第一张身份证是免费的. If you need a replacement ID the cost is $15.00.

失物招领处:所有失物交予通讯处保安人员保管 and Media building. 签约的市区保安将联系UCF警局 are not immediately claimed. 加州大学旧金山分校的警察将负责收集无人认领的物品并保留 在UCF市区变电站短期内的项目. If items are 没有人声称他们将被转移到主校区UCF警察局. Call 407-823-5555 if you are missing any property.

I'm locked out. Now what?
学生,请联系校园保安,以获得进入办公室的帮助 housing or vehicles. Call 407-235-3800.