


At 美高梅, 你 can access Canvas directly by visiting 在线.dmkult.net.


You should Publish 你r course if 你 want to use the Inbox messaging, or allow 学生 to access 你r course syllabus, before the start of the term. 否则,所有课程 将自动由 12:01am在新学期的第一天.


As an Instructor, 你r courses may disappear from 你r Dashboard if 1) 你r Dashboard view is set to “Recent Activity”, or 2) 你r Department edited 你r course assignment 在旗帜. First, click on the Courses menu 和 select “All Courses”. 如果课程 is missing from this list, contact 你r department 和 ask if they edited 你r course 在班纳的任务. 如果是这样, Banner will automatically add 你 back to the course overnight,无需任何操作. 如果有的话 ,打开 服务台求助单.


完成 表格“还原黑板存档课程” 和 provide the term code, course ID 和 CRN (ie: 201620-ENC1102-22334). OIT将 import the Blackboard course into a Canvas S和box for 你.


How do I communicate with students before my course starts?

教师可以使用 Canvas Inbox to communicate with 学生 before the course starts. To use the Inbox, under the course settings, deselect “restrict students from viewing the course before the start date” 和 then Publish 你r course.


Canvas provides numerous communication tools to increase interactions among users. Use the Announcements tool to send weekly updates, reminders, information about upcoming 事件或其他消息. Canvas Conversations is the equivalent to email in Canvas. 教师 can send emails to the entire class or to individual students. 学生将 be alerted to new messages on their dashboard screen upon logging in 和 via email or text based on their established 不ification settings. 还有讨论, 每个课程中都有聊天和会议工具.



After 你 prepare 你r courses in 你r s和box, 你 will copy the content into 你r 即将到来的CRN. 在您的CRN中,打开课程设置,然后选择 导入课程内容. Once 你 select to Copy a Canvas Course, Canvas will provide search 选项 for 你. 选择适当的沙箱并导入. 课程排队时的消息, 运行,并提供完整的.


All faculty receive 5 s和box courses; all staff receive 1 s和box course. 额外的 沙盒,使用自助的沙盒创建工具. 你可以在 阿特拉斯 > Courses Tab > S和box Tool (右下角).


要重命名沙盒,请完成 窗体更改画布沙盒名称 .


的 Assignments Page is where 你 manage 你r gradebook 和 view all course assignments. On the Assignments page an Instructor can add their different course assignments 和 把他们分成“任务组”. 你可以找到额外的帮助 with assignments 和 gradebook management, at 你r campus 教与学创新中心.


Kaltura is already connected to Canvas, which means 你 already have all the same 您通过“我的媒体”在Blackboard中访问的媒体. 学习如何添加新媒体, insert existing media using the text editor, add a media gallery to 你r course, 和 学生如何使用我们的 创作教程.


How can I combine multiple classes into one, 在线 class?

We are currently exploring cross-listing as part of Valencia’s strategic planning for 在线 courses 和 whether it can be integrated into our technical systems. 交叉上市 现在没有空吗.



新帆布成绩册 provides additional functionality for faculty to easily view 和 enter grades.  

How does 新帆布成绩册 differ from the current Canvas 成绩单发布?

Canvas提供了 功能对比图 to help navigate 和 identify differences in gradebook features between the two 成绩单发布 选项.  的 chart also contains helpful links to Canvas guides for clarity pertaining 到评分本的每个功能.


As the course instructor, 你 will need to sync students’ final grades in the Canvas 附有横幅的成绩册:

在评分本中,您将使用 同步的成绩 按钮, 向总队报告最终成绩. 在验证分数准确后,和  查看任何错误消息,您将使用 向横幅提交成绩 按钮,用于选定的学生.

How do I find 和 submit a Student’s Last Day of Attendance (LDA)?

的 official “LDA” (Last Day of Attendance) is 学生’s last demonstration of 学术活动. Acceptable evidence of an academically-related activity in an 在线 课程包括:

  • 学生提交的学术作业;
  • 学生提交网上评估;
  • documented student participation in an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction,
  • a posting by 学生 showing 学生’s participation in an 在线 study group 这是由机构分配的,
  • a posting by 学生 in a discussion forum showing 学生’s participation 在关于学术问题的在线讨论中,和
  • an e-mail from 学生 or other documentation showing that 学生-initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied 在课程中.

In the Canvas 成绩单发布, locate the latest demonstration of academic attendance for 学生. 将鼠标悬停在评分单元格上并单击Comments图标. “提交” 日期为官方LDA. 在你找到这个日期之后,你需要 点击同步等级按钮 把数据发给班纳.


Why are there so many “Inactive” students on the People page in my course?

Inactive students had once been enrolled in 你r course, but they either dropped the 当然,他们被撤回了. An inactive student will 不 have access to 你r course. Refer to the 成绩单发布 for a list of current, active students.


On the People page, click on the +People button, select the Email Address, 和 enter 他们在澳门美高梅网上赌场官网的电子邮件地址. 你可以选择助教(教学)的角色 助理)、学生领袖(SL)或设计师. 如果您选择学生或教师,那 person will be removed from the course, overnight, when Banner syncs with Canvas. If 你 need to add a Student or a Teacher to 你r course,打开 服务台求助单.



的re are a variety of development opportunities to learn more about Canvas. 你可以 register for Canvas webinars through VC EDGE, visit 你r campus 教与学创新中心,浏览24/7可用资源 帆布社区帆布共用.



你可以 chat live 24/7 with Canvas support by using the “Help” link on the bottom 左内Canvas. 你可以 also call Valencia’s Canvas 支持 24/7 at (407) 582-5600, 提交一个 OIT服务台请求, visit one of the 教学创新中心 or email 在线help@dmkult.net 正常营业时间.


Canvas网络研讨会的访问权已于2018年6月15日到期. 你可以联系其中一个 教学创新中心 有关Canvas的介绍,或搜索 帆布指南.