
School of 公共安全, Legal Studies, 和 Education 在澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院 provides comprehensive education, training 和 resources for 我们社区的第一反应者. It houses three major program areas: 刑事司法, 消防救援安全及保安.

Our law enforcement 和 corrections academies 和 fire science academy 和 minimum st和ards class for fire fighters meet Florida's training requirements 和 qualify students to take the state certification exams within their field. 我们也提供工业 certifications 和 advanced specialized training, as well as two-year Associate in 科学(.S) 学位s in 律师助理研究, 刑事司法 和 消防科学及技术.


For general enrollment questions, assistance is available through our virtual Answer Center or by contacting Enrollment Services.





Jump right into the job market with an A.S. 毕业于澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院. 你可以 gain the marketable skills needed for an exciting 职业生涯 和 a well-paying job in a little over two years if you are enrolled full time. 或者你可以以你的技能为基础 和 transfer into an eligible bachelor’s 学位 offered 在澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院 or another 佛罗里达美高梅.


的 应用科学学士 学位 in 公共安全管理局 provides students with essential management skills 和 real world knowledge needed for leadership in public safety organizations at the local, state or federal government levels as well 作为私营部门


刑事司法 执法学院课程

的 执法学院课程 is an A.S. Degree program that is designed to provide students with the education, training, skills 和 abilities for a successful law enforcement 职业生涯. 的 program will introduce students to a wide range of topics, including criminal justice, legal knowledge, defensive tactics, investigations 和 the court system, 等. 学生 can complete four semesters of intensive coursework over a 两年的时间.


的 Fire Science Academy is a fast-paced 学位-granting program that provides students with three components of 职业生涯 development in just two years: A.S. 消防学位 Science Technology, EMT (Emergency Medical Technology) 技术证书 (must pass a state exam), 和 Minimum St和ards Training - Firefighter I 和 Firefighter II(必须通过国家考试).


Get on the fast track to 职业生涯 success with a technical certificate. 技术证书 are designed to prepare you for entry-level employment or to upgrade your skills for job advancement, 和 most can be completed in one year or less. 你也可以用your credits earned toward the completion of a related A.S. 学位.


Get the training you need to become a Florida certified 执法人员, Correctional Officer or Fire Fighter from one of Valencia’s academy programs. 有些学分可以 也可以申请得A.S. 学位 in 刑事司法 or Fire Science.



美高梅 offers professional training courses, programs, seminars 和 workshops dedicated to the public safety community, including specialized training for sworn Florida law enforcement, corrections or probation officers, 和 fire service professionals 在所有层面上.


美高梅 provides non-学位, non-credit programs including industry-focused training, professional development, language courses, certifications 和 custom course 组织的发展. Day, evening, weekend, online 和 distance learning 课程有.


Job search strategies, employment readiness tips 和 more at four on-campus locations.


刑事司法 female officer smiling near police car

Fire Sciences training center firefighers extinguishing flames

律师助理研究 female student studying with books on table



If safety is your chief concern, prepare for a leadership role in law enforcement, fire rescue, emergency medical services or public 和 private protective services 在澳门美高梅网上赌场官网学院. Gain entry into this program with any A.A. 或者一个.S. 学位 地区认可的机构.